Well, the human race is a funny race, because we only truly learn to appreciate what was or were there for us all along until it is gone, completely out of our world and into the next. Same goes for the King of Pop, the late Michael Jackson. When he was still alive, we called him a pedophile or called him all sort of names. But just as he left us, we, all of the sudden, started to like him again and the boy who claimed he was molested by Michael came out to confess that it never happened. So all these while we were accusing him for nothing and he went to court for nothing as well. That is the power of the media, they could make you an icon in an instant and they could also make you a public enemy in the next minute. As for Michael, all we can say now is that he was one of the victim that we can learn from...
As for me, to be truly honest with you, before he died, all I know about him was "Heal the World", some parts of his songs, a bit of this and that. That was all. But now, I know most of his songs and what he had done for the world in raising awareness and uniting people of different background. When he was still alive, I thought he lost it when he had that many number of times on the surgery table and bleaching his skin, that perhaps was his downfall to his illustrious career. I regret for not knowing him and appreciating for what he had done for us, and I am sad to say that it is because of his death that I started to admire him. Long liveD the king!
The movie was perhaps the one which took me on a roller coaster ride for my emotions, I teared up, I smiled and sang for most part of the movie. He managed to impact me in such way, what of those who were his fans since back then I wonder? I could only imagine, a man that could influence not just a few person, but the whole world by doing something that he enjoyed, performing. So instead of mourning for his death, why not we be thankful for what he had done and continue on his vision? That is the very least of what we could offer back to the King. Michael was here and he did conquered, leaving us with endless fond memories. Thank you sincerely Michael Jackson. May you bring joy in a better place. =)
Don't really have much to write, feeling for him is just beyond words. So, apologies for undermining his greatness. Peace!
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