Life is actually pretty decent should we not go mess around with it and life throws things at you that you once thought has already been a closed chapter, without warning and sometimes the realisation will just hit you straight in the face. Near and far one may search but at times the answer just lie right in front of the seeker.
I'd always find that one those singing competition sort of television shows where the judges would ask things like 'whether did the singer had any imagery in helping him to deliver a particular song' as utter rubbish as maybe just for me, being an ultra single-tasker, I can only try to sing or think at one particular time and they are called performers for a reason which is what I chose to believe. But all that change, in a space of a dream like hour where I truly understood what the whole thing to 'performing for someone' means. I managed to fully complete a song which I had constant troubles over the years that I'd played it.
Maybe the imagery is more of a motivator rather than anything else for me, or maybe it is one of those self-fulfilling prophecies? I experienced it once a long time ago but this time is a little different and I can't really put a finger down as to how is it different. The thought of actually trying to play for someone important made me happy and from that joy I experience, I felt motivated and as they say, the rest is history. I nailed it =D.
Maybe it is also part of how I function? I am one of those who are dependent on mood, I hate being asked let alone forced to do something against my will. For instant, when I really do not feel like doing something as simple as sweeping the floor, no matter how dirty my room appear to be, I would not even move a muscle. While on the other extreme, when motivation comes knocking, I would invest my time wholly on it. Like now, my fingers are almost at the point of having blisters from playing the guitar. I play the instrument in an on and off fashion, which is why my fingers cannot last very long each time I play it but having that drive to play kept me playing and playing and playing which led to the current situation where I need to stop for a day or two =(.
Above are what I need to have a good time expressing myself, the guitar which is almost half my age is camera shy, that's why it is not in the shot XD.
Came across this phrase that a friend of mine posted on Facebook, meant quite a bit to me:
"Even though you have a boy/girlfriend, there is always one person who you turn to. Whether it is due to a bad day or to share a problem or maybe even just after a fight with the other half. At times, that person would even be the special one, second only to family members. That person does not necessary be of any special relationship with you but will always be there for you. Appreciate that person for you can be yourself around that person, whom you call a
'best friend'."
Life ain't too bad after all, for as long as we don't go mess around with it, life is pretty decent =)
P/S - Finally caught up with the 'a post a month' standard I set for myself, next one will come in September =DD
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