Its another weekend, a period of time where I normally would be cut off from my friends or anything happening around out there unless I am in college or in MSN. Yea, sad case, I do not really go out, mainly cause I can't find people to go out with or I am just plain lazy because need to take bus. So, here I am, writing here with my electronic buddy as my company.haha =D
Some asked me why my blog is full of words and no pictures. Well, I do not really like taking solo pictures or a.k.a camwhore. So, unless I got 'candid'ed, then its not likely for me to upload any picture of me here. Even if got pictures, It'll be of very limited number and not all got me inside...I donno why, I just feel a bit weird in front of the camera at times, while at times I am ok with it. *shrugs*
Hmm, I had been backtracking through my life recently, going through all the memories I have. The past always play games with my mind, whether its making me happy, sad or at times making me feel like an idiot =D.
I had been thinking of my life back in National Service. I had no regrets whatsoever going there, except for the part of having my hair shaved off T.T. Well, it was during that period of my life where I discover some part of myself better. I took up many challenges and explore new grounds which I never thought I could even do. I went for a spot among the 'Rank Holders', even though I had no past experience in this field at all. Plus, being who I am, my level of BM isn't great and my usual talk will also lag at times, I still went for it, with the intention of learning in my mind. I went through many lows during that period, being the laughing stock and stuffs by the whole camp. I broke down, yes, I am not afraid to admit that, but I believe that made me stronger and ignited my desire to succeed. In the end, I did, I fullfilled my own expectation, being the 'Ketua Kompany' of Bravo, which I have to say, was where I met some great people and spent a memorable time. Well, I left camp early, got my own reasons and I missed the shooting range, which is some of the disappointment back in camp I guess. But, I broke down again during my farewell speech to my company, such wonderfull people they are.
This learning curve will forever hold an important spot in my heart. I even had some funny moments as well. I was actually mistaken for being a Malay by another fellow Chinese, mainly due to the fact that, I represented my company as an emcee, conducted in BM. This is ironic as I donno whether to be happy or sad...haha. Besides, I learnt some commands in marching and of cause the actual march as well. I even discover that I could shout louder that I actually think I could, albeit I generate my voice from my throat rather than my diaphragm. Above all, I actually learnt to smile back in the days in NS. =D
Some asked me why my blog is full of words and no pictures. Well, I do not really like taking solo pictures or a.k.a camwhore. So, unless I got 'candid'ed, then its not likely for me to upload any picture of me here. Even if got pictures, It'll be of very limited number and not all got me inside...I donno why, I just feel a bit weird in front of the camera at times, while at times I am ok with it. *shrugs*
Hmm, I had been backtracking through my life recently, going through all the memories I have. The past always play games with my mind, whether its making me happy, sad or at times making me feel like an idiot =D.
I had been thinking of my life back in National Service. I had no regrets whatsoever going there, except for the part of having my hair shaved off T.T. Well, it was during that period of my life where I discover some part of myself better. I took up many challenges and explore new grounds which I never thought I could even do. I went for a spot among the 'Rank Holders', even though I had no past experience in this field at all. Plus, being who I am, my level of BM isn't great and my usual talk will also lag at times, I still went for it, with the intention of learning in my mind. I went through many lows during that period, being the laughing stock and stuffs by the whole camp. I broke down, yes, I am not afraid to admit that, but I believe that made me stronger and ignited my desire to succeed. In the end, I did, I fullfilled my own expectation, being the 'Ketua Kompany' of Bravo, which I have to say, was where I met some great people and spent a memorable time. Well, I left camp early, got my own reasons and I missed the shooting range, which is some of the disappointment back in camp I guess. But, I broke down again during my farewell speech to my company, such wonderfull people they are.
This learning curve will forever hold an important spot in my heart. I even had some funny moments as well. I was actually mistaken for being a Malay by another fellow Chinese, mainly due to the fact that, I represented my company as an emcee, conducted in BM. This is ironic as I donno whether to be happy or sad...haha. Besides, I learnt some commands in marching and of cause the actual march as well. I even discover that I could shout louder that I actually think I could, albeit I generate my voice from my throat rather than my diaphragm. Above all, I actually learnt to smile back in the days in NS. =D
*a picture does indeed speaks a thousand words, taken during the company photo session. This is not the actual one, its was taken by one of the trainer, a candid shot.*
* the picture of the Rank Holders, not the actual one as well. Great people.*
Now, back to the main topic. My past. My friends play a major role in my life as well, who doesn't? Well, its now entering the final phase of my time in CIMP. Made a few wonderful friends here as well but its soon coming to an end, not the friendship, being in CIMP together. Most probably, I'll be seeing them in Uni as well, since we're going to the same Uni but how frequent we can meet is still another mystery.
Next, definately I would write about my time being in Juniors and Council! The time i had and going to have here, I would not trade it for anything else in this world we are living in. I treasure the moments, albeit high or low, the friendship and the togetherness under one roof where we can look out for each other. I just love being in such organization or student body. I can't imagine my college life now is if I have not went and enquire about the Junior Leadership Programme back in July last year. I guess that was my calling, for no reasons, after the orientation, I went straight to SSD to ask about the programme. As a result, here I am today! I thank Jason and Jack for giving me a chance to be part of the Juniors. I thank the board of advisors for having me back.

*the formal shot. The beginning of something great!*

*this is more like us =D!*
*Last but certainly not least, the beginning of all great things in college. During our big project, Freshie Nite 09', RetroTechno.*
Yea, you might say that I sometimes live in the past. But I don't think so, I take my past as reference and I will continue to live the way I had been all this while.hehe
Time for some random cases about me.
Firstly, people say I am quiet. Well, I am at times. However, I mainly deal with people, with the way they deal with me. If they are crazy, I can be crazy, if their are those gentle type, I'll be gentle with them as well. If they prefer playing rough, I would either back off to go head on. So yea, I am quiet misunderstood at times and I don't think I am a hypocrite for being like this. I am just merely dealing with people with different approach.
Next, I really CANNOT dance. I can just move along with the beat. Some of my friends seen me during RetroTechno, I was just moving along with the beat, NOT dancing =.=
I sing too^^! But only for myself, because I suck in it :p. The washroom was my stage back in my home. =D.
Anyway, I guess thats all this time, if I missed out anything, will include it in my next post^^. Till then, take care everyone!
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